Monday, February 23, 2009

Sometimes Momma needs a time out!

Ok, your probably thinking I got in trouble and maybe Greg sent me to a "time out".  Ha! Actually, I sent myself on a time out, meaning I needed a "break".  After church yesterday I told Greg I just wanted to get out and have some "momma time"...alone! Of course there is no place I'd rather be than with my hubby, baby and dog, but I was having one of those moments I just needed a little space.  So I got myself together and headed to the mall....I was in  sample heaven in Sephora, those gals are so nice, I swear they probably recognize me as the "Vera Wang" lady because I'm always coming in for samples of that perfume ever since I ran out of my own bottle.  They also hooked me up with a sample of colonge for Greg, and some Bare Essentuals samples too, needless to say I left the store one happy lady.  As I kept strolling through the mall I noticed a lonely sales lady in the "Merle Norman" make-up store, so being the chipper gal I am I headed in sorta pretending I was looking for new lipstick so she could feel like she had something to do.  Anyhow, we struck up a great conversation and I ended up hanging out in there for quite a while, and the bonus is I found my new favorite lip gloss called "Wineberry", and guess what??  You go it....more samples!  She just kept handing more to me, so I gladly accepted, spent a few more minutes chatting with her and then I was on my merry way. Before I left, I hit all my fave stores, Ann Taylor Loft , Forever 21, Yankee candle and the list goes on.  Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that before I got to the mall, I cruised by my favorite gourmet grocery store called AJ's Fine foods and got myself some yummy coffee complete with vanilla creamer, and since I have the "special mug" I got my big yummy coffee for a whole whopping 50 cents and all in all that what my whole outing cost me!  The moral of the story is every momma needs a " time out" now and then to get out and recharge her batteries, have a little time to herself to get new perspective on things.  So if your looking for a cheap way to have fun, grab your re-fillable mug for some java from your favorite coffee spot and get your sample shopping on sisters!  Happy Day!

1 comment:

  1. Haha, you are so right Jeanette! I had myself some 'time out' time today and got a massage that Brian had given me for Vday. Let me tell ya, it was definately what I needed! I think it makes you a better mom too to have a little "mom time" once in a while so you can be refreshed to go back home and focus on your baby. :)
